March 7, 2011

DDoS Attack Launched on Korean Government and Businesses

The Presidential Office's website, along with 40 other sites, was the target of a DDoS (Distributed Denial Of Service) attack.

This attack is smiliar to the 7.7 DDoS crisis, derives its name from 2009 DDoS attack where 17 domestic websites were targeted from July 7th (7/7) to July 9th.

According to Seoul Economy , attacks were carried out on more than 40 websites including Blue House (the Korean Presidential residence), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, National Intelligence Service, Ministry of Unification, National Assembly, and other government agencies; Kookmin Bank, Woori Bank, Hana Bank, Korea Exchange Bank, Shinhan Bank, Standard Charted First Bank, Nonghyup, Kioom Securities, Daeshin Securities, and other banking institutions; Naver, Daum, and other web commerce websites were targets of the attacks.

According to Yonhap News, since the first report 3 days ago, the antivirus software company Ahn Labs has determined the results, the target, and the time of the attack. In order to reduce the number of zombie PCs, they are offering a free anti-virus program.

Translated by Steven Wilson


Unknown said...

Great, another excuse to install more ActiveX plugins on my computer!

효진 said...

I hate Active X too .... They ruin my computer.