March 25, 2011

Poll says eating out costs university students over 200,000 Won per month

According to the SBS CNBC job portal, in a survey conducted by Incruit covering 203 students currently attending classes at various universities, students spent an average of 243,000 Won per month on eating out. The survey revealed that male students spent 262,000 Won and female students spent 211,000 won.

Kyunghyan Shinmun reports that students who live separately from from their families spend 270,000 Won, whereas ones living at home only spend 214,000 Won on average. It was further reported that university students in the Seoul area spent an average of 262,000 Won per month, while students outside of Seoul spend 226,000 Won on eating out.

The average meal cost for students who ate out was 5,685 Won total. Men spent more than women each month, but for each meal, females spent an average of 5,913 Won while males spent only a 5,537 Won average per meal.

When asked about where they ate, 42.4% of students said they use the school cafeteria, 35.0% said they eat somewhere near the university, 11.3% said they eat at home, 8.9% get food from a convenience store or other small vendor, and 2.5% claimed "other," according to Kyunghyan Shinmun.

Translated by Steven Wilson

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